Thursday, January 12, 2012


Hey beauties!!

How has everyone's new year been so far? It started off sad because there was a death in my fiance's family which is obviously family to me. It is sad however God is so amazing. All the family that came out for the homegoing service was truly moving. I'm very happy to be apart of his family. There is a tight bond and the role of family is so important to me.

I'm praying for improvement and change health wise. Before the holidays I had a really bad flare up with my condition as I wrote about before. It lasted almost 3 weeks and because of that I will be starting a new medication soon. Its a decision I had to make because I have to always consider my future. I unfortunately cant do things spontaneously like I used to, everything I have to give "real" thought to. The medication that I currently take is Avonex which is a once a week shot (the needle has to go into the muscle), the new medication Rebif is a 3 times a week shot that goes into the top layer of skin. Rebif is considered an intermediate disease modifying drug. Hopefully, this will work out for me. I will post about my progress.

but in other news...This is the YEAR!!!!!

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