Monday, July 21, 2008


Well life is all about lessons....

Sometimes you have to think "how will you learn your lessons?"

Will you learn from others and their advice OR will you learn lessons from LIFE???

I am choosing to learn lessons thru advice of others I hold dear to me. Time and time I find myself not listening the voices of wisdom .... but now I will. Because when you learn your lessons from life, it's more than likely not going to be pretty or easy. I dont want to suffer or struggle when I can plan to be a success like my ancestors would have wanted me to. I refuse to let myself go and become a hot ass mess just because that is what society wants me to do.... I will succeed and prosper and because of this, I will listen to the wise and guide my life accordingly.


Beautifully.Conjured.Up said...

Although I'm a scholar, I prefer to learn via life and wisdom :)

On the contrary, life lessons can really hurt...I've learned some I will NEVER forget...

...cute picture...

svrbrownsuga said...

Thanks so much hun! and your right the life lessons can hurt!!!!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

we should not select or chooses when to learn a lesson, adversity as well as good things happen and we can learnsomething from them both as all this halt for philosphizing

svrbrownsuga said...

True, your right. I just know that any advice or words of wisdom from people who have experienced life more than I have, I will listen to them instead of ignoring and finding out the hard way.